Why write a review when the someone already has? Worth a read

Find your old tweets

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

The Challenge

Do you sometimes remember that there’s an information you tweeted about in the past and now you want to refer to it but you cant remember how to go about getting the information? If you are like me that tweets links that contain important information, or you use twitter as some sort of read-it-later form of storage, then you sure would need a way to search for old tweets.

The Solution

Below are the tools that could help:

Good ol’ Twitter search

The heading says it’s just search, but, it’s actually Twitter Advanced search. With advanced search, you could search specific posts from specific people, to specific people. You can even search inside mentions, and retweets. And you can do all of these in any language.

Sounds pretty cool, huh? Well, yes it does, but there’s only one downside: It shows you only the “top” tweets (I wonder what criteria twitter uses to define which tweets are top and which are not). To view all tweets, you just have to scroll down and click on the “View all tweets” link. That, also, cannot show you every single tweet you have tweeted since twitter restricts the number of tweets visible at once. Try to keep scrolling and you get a message “You have reached the end of the tweets blah blah”.

Twitter Archive search

A better option is to search your twitter archive. But that means you have to download your whole twitter archive first, and if you were in a hurry, I’m not sure you would like this option. It’s better but more time consuming. To learn how to download your full twitter archive, check out Danny Sullivan’s blogpost


Image representing Topsy as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase


Topsy.com offers twitter history search, but in my opinion, the whole interface easily got tiring to use and it looks like it doesn’t do any better than the default twitter history search. And it can only do a search for tweets later than May 2008. Correct me if i’m wrong though.


365.51 Snap Bird

365.51 Snap Bird (Photo credit: remysharp)

Here comes my favourite. Snapbird offers search that goes as far back as God-knows-when. It may not have the more advanced features of Topsy and Twitter Advanced search, but the fact that I can search for something someone said years ago without hassles is a big plus. You could also search your Direct Messages, but that would require authentication on twitter, and for someone like me that has a bias against third party apps, well, I won’t want to do authenticate every app that asks for my twitter credentials.




Well, what do you think? Do you prefer the twitter advanced search, archive search, or other third party apps like topsy and snapbird? Have your say in the comments section.

I’ve been away, yes, but i’m back

I know i’ve been away for too long; apologies for that. I’ve been pretty occupied by too many things in the last few weeks. Lots to study, and lots of work to do I must say. But notwithstanding, I owe us all something new, don’t I?

Well, over the last few weeks, I’ve stumbled upon a lot of information . Hmm, maybe that’s why Garret Camp, co-founder of StumbleUpon called their idea StumbleUpon, because the best kinds of information are usually “stumbled upon”.

Ok, you might be wondering what and what caught my attention so much so that I was away for so long. I am African, and I love my continent. I love my country Nigeria, and I’m proud to be black. I suggest you go get a copy of Quentin Tarantino’s movie – Django Unchained – if you’re Black BUT NOT proud. I was also proud of the classic “A billion reasons to believe in Africa” video on Youtube. Reinvigorated my belief in myself, in my country and in my continent. I LOVE YOU AFRICA.

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Nice piece

Nzesylva's Corner

Africa is the future 

Last week, I read the inspiring story of Wande Adalemo, the young Nigerian Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Oxygen Broadband Networks, Nigeria’s first metro WiFi network, who dropped out of school in the process of realizing his dreams of building an Internet company. Today, he sits atop a N1bn broadband network company, which has just rolled out a WiFi network at the popular Computer Village in Lagos.

Such inspiring stories abound all across Africa, a continent that was as recently as ten years ago described by the Economist as hopeless but which today, propelled by the power of the internet and mobile phones is inspiring hope for its people and announcing clearly to the world that we can also do it.

I recall with nostalgia how some years ago when one wants to make a call one had to queue at the few functional…

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Great guide for common computer challenges. MUST READ

Ask a Tech Teacher

I received a lot of requests for copies of a document I published a year ago, Troubleshooting Common Computer Problems. At the suggestion of Edtech Sandy (aka Sandy Kendell), I tried to upload it through Google Docs to no avail (though it kind of worked in my WordPress.org site) so I’m guessing WordPress.com doesn’t allow Google Docs. Please feel free to disabuse me of that conclusion.


problem solving

Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice reviewer, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, a contributor to NEA Today, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub

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2012 Person of the Year: Barack Obama, the President

I wonder what else one could expect. Kudos to Mr. President.

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Super-cool solution to Windows Search – Everything.exe

Live Search logo

Live Search logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

With more and more information becoming available to common internet users, this means that storage space becomes bigger and more files occupy storage space.

In this post I review a solution to one of my most troublesome challenges – SEARCH.
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